Monday, July 11, 2011

Packed and ready

Well, I don't think there's anything left in the house to pack. The camera back pack looks like we looted a Best Buy. This may be the last update until we get to Germany unless we have some airport downtime in Atlanta, so I'll catch you up when get there, or Thursday in Munich.

Tomorrow we'll kick off our trip with a drive to Decatur to meet up with Rex and Gabe at their house. We'll spend the night there and leave out Wednesday morning. They are flying the first leg to Atlanta on American, he had some miles on it. The are flying non revenue (read standby) from Atlanta to Munich. Rex says if all the seats are taken, he can ride the jump seat in the cockpit. They'll let him use the pilot's lounge for the first 1.5 hour or so and the last 1.5 hour, but they'll kick him out when the plane's cruising so they can rest. Seven or so hours in the jump seat might be a little tough.

I did the last of the cleanup on the camera SD cards tonight, and finally put the helmet bags together for the last of the setup.

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