Saturday, June 18, 2011

Bluetooth Headsets

The Sena Bluetooth headsets KK let me order for Father's Day came in yesterday, and I've had time to charge them and install them in her helmet. I ordered them from RocketMoto and they are very slick.

We both use custom earplugs from EAR Inc.( so I ordered the baseplate for the headsets that you can plug in the earplugs. The setup was easy to put in the helmet. I am going to order a new Shoei next week, so I put an extra plate on my old HJC helmet that I use when I ride the dual sport Suzuki. We easily paired the two helmets and talked on the intercom and they paired with my droid. You can listen to music from the smart phone and switch over to the intercom to talk. The controls are big and easy to use so they won't be a distraction when riding.

Rex is going to order a set so we'll all have the same set up. You can pair up to four headsets, but only have a conversation with one at a time. We'll have to figure out a signal system so we can let each other know when we want to talk.

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